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Terms of Use & Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy.

All account information is kept complately private and is never used for any other purpose that identifaction of account holder and is never passed on to anyone.

Terms of Use.
We will always continue to improve the game for future enjoyment and where acceptable implications will be taken to insure this happens this may mean .
Removal of Bugged Items
Removal of faulty Map areas
Removal of faulty server files
Removal  of faulty Server equipment
Changes to the server rules where  changes will be hightlighted on this page (TOU&PP) page
also on forums for a period of 30 days.





1. Don't share accounts (there is no need to and we are sick of sorting out people stealing stuff. If your found to be sharing you are both banned).

2. Don't use offensive names for your character's or your hero's.

3. Don't use the lending feature in game; if you do lost items will not be replaced.

4. Don't pm the GM saying mobs don't drop anything (when you have only killed the mob once or twice).

5. Do not try and trick other players into trying to give you stuff for free (if found out you'll be banned).

6. GM's will never give out items unless its broken by a bug on the server this includes (items, pots, kits, scrolls, gold)

7. GM's will not TELEPORT you out of a cave.

8. Don't insult the admin team just because you don't like the decision made or you'll be banned

9. NEVER give out your login ID or passwords

10. Don't try to give the impression you're part of the GM or admin team.  Any character's names doing this will be deleted and 1 warning given, 2nd occurrence will result in a ban

11. Just for your own reassurance the only EMAIL that is for the admin is (nothing else).

12. Any pointless posts or flaming on the forums will result in the posts being deleted.

13. Any unnecessary swearing in forum posts will result in the posts being removed and your account being banned.

14. Any complaints and enquiries about items and characters must be supplied with a screenshot.  Press insert to create a screenshot which will then be saved in the main Slayzone root folder.  Failure to supply a screenshot may result in the complaint not being dealt with.

15. Bug Exploiting speed hacking or any kind of dirty game play regarded by server as unfair in order to gain    advantage this will include somethings like door blocking and stopping people walking out of doors by blocking it with pets and will be dealt with. Account suspensions or accounts banned.

16. Items, scrolls, gold, potcash items lost due to lag will not be reimbursed unless its due to lag from the server or the server ISP (the server and ISP have a reporting function for the detection of lag).

16b. when you collect your potcash items you only hold 1 page of items that 10 in total any more that and they will be lost they will not be refunded

17.  Decisions made by any GM are final.  If you are not happy with the outcome and feel you have been unfairly dealt with please contact one of the other GMs to discuss.  Once an issue has been dealt with by a GM please do not keep raising the same issue, persistent repeating of issues and outcomes may result in a ban.

18. All players MUST sign up to the forums If you are not then your complaint will not be taken up.
19. Teleporting out from SabukWall War Conquest Zone near death is Griefing.
However Wizards if you place firewall and players die in that firewall after the quest has finished then that is classed as fair play as you decide to take that chance so close to the end of the War Time when normal Player V Player rules resume.
20.Dont use the Floor as a trading area as items on floor are free for all including potcash you trade box only  press T while facing other party.
21.Ghosted items in bag are due to not being used in the correct manor if items are lost due to ghosted items being in your bag refunds are not awarded as you have failed to use your bag or items correctly.
22.Never Talk about other games or servers here as this is regarded as advertising any information of this sort on server or forums will result in a straight IP and (MAC) Ban
1. Items, scrolls, gold, potcash items lost due to lag will not be reimbursed unless its due to lag from the server or the server ISP (the server and ISP have a reporting function for the detection of lag).

2. When you collect your potcash items you can only hold 1 page of items;  thats a total of 10,  any more and they will be lost and not refunded.
3. All VIP memberships must be canceled before your next billing cycle starts.
4.If your Notice To Quit is not recieved before your next billing cycle starts that month will still be charged and steps are taken to recover out standing fees through paypal service level agreements.
5.All game players names (characters names) are to be spelt correctly (case sensative) and must match how you typed your name when making that player.Days lost due to incorrect spelling will not be refunded.
6.All VIP memberships must have your Login ID attached to your Paypal payment;  failure to do so may lead to delays in activating your VIP memebership.
7.Remember to have space in your bag for the potcash items to go in to from gameshop if not you will lose them (Bag Full No More Can Go in)
8.All Scrolls are to be used in your hands not your heros bag unless stated.
Potcash Information & VIp Memberships
Terms Of use
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